Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010


Here's a goofy thing I did because I had to.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Next Generation airbrush

Finally had time to play with my airbrush again.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Last night at 1AM I got to visit some animation friends at the New England Art Institute. We watched cartoons as they pulled an all-nighter for their team project, and I got to play with some very fancy stuff; a giant screen tablet and a magical program called SAI. Totally worth only getting 90 minutes sleep!!

Monday, June 14, 2010


So two very talented weirdo friends of mine started this blog. The idea is to listen to this sound clip of them saying "Ehh my body" and draw what comes to mind, and this is what I made. Check it out and feel free to participate, here.

Monday, June 7, 2010


This is my first real attempt at animation, I was photoshopping over video frames. I think it's ok for my first time, but it fell short of my vision. There was a steep learning curve, I figured out a lot of shortcuts after the fact. Next one will be quicker. MEH!!! No more freshman classes ever, at least.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I'm in the middle of a two-week intensive video class to fulfill a degree requirement. 6 hours of class, four hours of homework, five days a week. Was not psyched going into this, but I am now!!! My final project will be an animation, featuring about 898 more frames like these two. Photoshop on top of digital video.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Here's a one-page preview of sorts for my upcoming comic series YUCKY. This page is a parody of a scene in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. I wanted to see how doing a full page went, before I try to do 20 at a time. Shit took forevs!! Hopefully, with more experience, the process will quicken up.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


YES!! Dead Broke Records from NY is going to put out a tape of my old band. We recorded last year, and broke up when Josh moved to Orlando. I didn't like how it came out, and i wasn't sure why. Eventually I realized it didn't match the noisiness of our live show, so I ran the whole thing through distortion and I think it sounds great. This band is over, but it feels great to be getting it out into the world. It's giving me momentum for my next music project, YUCKY, which is going to tie in with a comic I'm making. Thank you Mike Dumps. Check out the site, all these bands rule.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Theatre Illustration

Rules of Attraction

For Illustration 3, this is for a fake magazine article about Brett Easton Ellis' The Rules of Attraction.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Giraffe Potion

Another assignment, duh. We had to make a label for a food product, so I did this. But I didn't have the guts to include the slogan "guaranteed to get you high as giraffe pussy!"

Saturday, April 17, 2010


My first comic!! My illustration 3 class was asked to make an instructional pamphlet, so I used it as an opportunity to make this. The original is big (2 feet wide). This took forever to design, then to ink. Lots of trial and error throughout, especially the process of scanning and combining different sections, and coloring and assembling the word balloons, which were done on a different layer of vellum.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wild Weekend

This is a painting of one of the characters I've been working on...

early sketches..

blown up onto 18"x 24 bristol ...


and air brushed onto canvas...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Air Brush

Very psyched on this one, acrylic on canvas
"finished", someday I'll go back and put stuff on the TV screens.